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Download The eBook:

From Silos to Synergy:

The Convergence of Identity Security and GRC within the Modern Enterprise

Identity Security and Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) are often owned and managed as two distinct disciplines. As the identity security space continues to evolve and usher in new ways to protect data and ensure on-going compliance, organizations are recognizing that by bridging the gap between these disciplines they can transform isolated IT, security and compliance efforts into a holistic approach.


Download the ebook to learn how harmonizing identity security and GRC can help:

  • Address risk and compliance requirements
  • Minimize insider threats
  • Enable frictionless provisioning and deprovisioning
  • Fuel agility and growth
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Managing Identity and Access Controls Across Multiple Applications Whitepaper

Managing Identity and Access Controls Across Multiple Applications

Learn best practices companies should consider when dealing with the evolving business application security landscape.

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Automating Your Control Environment: Get a Clear View of Access Risk Across Multiple Systems Whitepaper

Automating Your Control Environment: Get a Clear View of Access Risk Across Multiple Systems

This paper focuses on the importance of having the ability to view “the big picture” of interconnected risk and controls across all the company’s business systems and environments, and shares the advantages of automated controls.

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Access Orchestration. Simplified.

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