Microsoft Azure functions as both the infrastructure and platform that lets companies operate their business-critical application servers, backups, websites, and other hardware and software business applications virtually.
Microsoft Azure Portal is a web-based application that allows users to create, manage, monitor, and delete resources on the Azure platform. Security to the Azure portal is role-based, meaning that access to subscriptions, accounts, applications, and data as a function of the role assigned to that user (also known as Role-Based Access Control or RBAC).
Roles are granted permissions based on Actions and DataActions:
Figure 1 – Example Azure role definition showing Actions and DataActions
Roles can be assigned to:
Figure 2 – Role assignments: User, Group, Service Principal/Managed Identity
User roles and role definitions can be further defined to only be applicable at a particular scope. This feature allows for a cleaner role setup as you do not require duplicate roles that have the same object access but to different areas of your Azure environment. Instead you can have one role and assign it at different scopes.
In Azure, you can specify a scope at four levels: management group, subscription, resource group, and resource. Scopes are structured in a parent-child relationship. Each level of hierarchy makes the scope more specific. You can assign roles at any of these levels of scope and the level you select determines how widely the role is applied.
For example, if Alice has been assigned the Reader role at the subscription scope (e.g., for the ABC Subscription), she will also have Reader role access to the underlying resource groups and resources within the ABC Subscription, but she would not have access to other Subscriptions in the tenant.
Figure 3 – Assignment scope: management group, subscription, resource group, and resource
Role-based access is a powerful technique that helps maintain the security of your Microsoft Azure environment. It helps prevent unauthorized access to your business-critical applications, an important element for audit compliance. RBAC also helps maintain the principle of least privilege, where access is only granted to the individuals required to have it, to reduce unauthorized access and data manipulation.
However, as your enterprise needs grow, your Azure administration becomes much more complicated—the number of roles and permissions grow each time departments, accounts, subscriptions, apps, and resource groups are added.
Eventually, it becomes difficult to identify which users should be assigned the proper roles and permissions. Administrators get overwhelmed reviewing page after page of user permissions to specific securable objects for each application. To make matters worse, it is typically the business process owner of the business application, not the system administrator, who truly knows which users should have access and the level of access that should be granted to those users.
Ultimately, the challenge of Azure Portal security is the ability for those responsible for enterprise information security (CIOs, CTOs, CSOs, CISOs, system administrators, DevOps, etc.) to be able to answer these questions:
Users with the ability to create and make changes to Azure resources and provisioning can affect not only the security of your Azure environment but also make changes that significantly increase the financial cost of your Azure deployment.
Fastpath offers native integration with Microsoft Azure Portal. This integration allows you to capture the security data within Azure Portal and analyze the results for user and role access, giving you a better understanding of who has access, how they are getting access, and what critical access exists within your organization.
Now your system administrators can conveniently consolidate the data from Azure Portal and get a broad view your company’s entire security profile.
Fastpath lets you:
Schedule a demonstration and see how Fastpath can help you manage your Azure security, compliance, and risk management needs.