Access Control
Reduce risks with streamlined, granular, end-to-end access controls
Given the multi-vendor nature of today’s business systems, all organizations need a solution that allows effectively managed, granular access control across distributed technologies.
This is where Fastpath can help. Fastpath analyzes access risk across all business applications from the enterprise level right down to the lowest securable object. You can easily define access profiles with detail and specificity, plus analyze applications in a single view. When combined with Identity, Access Control makes it easy to provide preventative analysis as part of access request approvals.
Separation of Duties (SOD)
Our cross-application approach enables you to manage Separation of Duties (SOD) across related applications, allowing early recognition of potential issues and preventing costly, damaging fraud or data breaches.
User Access Reviews
Get a detailed view of user access within each application across your entire organization. User Access Reviews are easy to build, quick to modify, and allow you to perform requisite granular analysis to manage risk and achieve audit compliance.
Sensitive Access
Who can post a journal entry? Who can modify configuration? Simply knowing the application role entitlements for a user is not enough. Fastpath provides object-level data to answer the critical questions asked by your business and auditor.
Advanced Access Controls
Have your users taken advantage of Separation of Duties conflicts? Can you design roles that are conflict free in the first place? Advanced Access Controls for D365FO, NetSuite and SAP provide Security Designer to detect and prevent issues. Along with Risk Quantification available for NetSuite.
Managing Identity and Access Controls Across Multiple Applications
Learn best practices companies should consider when dealing with the evolving business application security landscape.
Learn more30 Tips And Tricks For Dynamics 365FO Security
Included in this whitepaper are tips for specific security settings, improving security via setup, process change options, mitigation tools, and principles for improved security going forward.
Learn moreSeparation Of Duties - Basics And Applications
Understand how Separation of Duties can help you maintain security and compliance for your business-critical applications.
Learn more